Participants will learn the history and physics of Sound Art through the creation of vibrational, irrational, sensational “alternative instruments” for sound generation and effects triggers from found or fabricated objects and supplied piezoelectrical components.
Instructors: Jay Bruns and Jesse Blumenthal
Hosted at the MCAT Production Studio in
The Missoula Public Library
Day 1: We’re gonna jaw wag at you a bit while we ramble through a brief art historical survey of Sound Art. We’ll then review the project, introduce some of the community resources we recommend, and allow for some play on the the demos.
Day 2: We will mount piezoelectric pickups, jacks, and wiring to objects with resonant volumes with the goal of transforming physical vibration into electrical signal.
Day 3: We will help each other finish any last minute wiring while setting up for a play session. We will document our “performance” for radio transmission.