Industrial Arts MT

The mission of community-based Industrial Arts Education is to empower creative expression through tools most commonly found on the job site. Industrial Art skill development enables participants to express themselves while learning trade applicable skills that can translate into their daily lives. Practices developed in industry as tools for creativity subverts established participant norms; opening minds to new approaches to problems. 

Community-based Industrial Arts Education is the primary focus of Artist Jesse Blumenthal. Jesse Blumenthal is an internationally exhibited, museum collected Artist and Educator residing in Missoula, Montana. In 2019 Blumenthal’s work received a permanent collection purchase award from The Yellowstone Art Museum, was awarded a Montana Arts Council Artists in Schools and Communities Grant supported by The National Endowment for the Arts, and received four separate regional grants to support community based foundry events. Recent public sites have included Salem Art Works, Bozeman Sculpture Park, The International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Sculpture in the Wild, and Open AiR. Jesse was raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He attended UMass Amherst, earning a BFA in Sculpture in 2007, and completed his graduate work at The University of Montana, earning an MFA in 2019.

Focused on fostering accessible and inclusive events, such as intentional listening and experiential learning through workshops, special events and meetups. Wave & Circuit provides creative consultation and equipment rental to local businesses and individuals.

Wave and Circuit is a creative ‘idea’ space in Missoula exploring the intersection of art, music, literature, and technology.  It started when Jay Bruns and Joe Glassy, who originally shared a downtown Missoula office, moved to the Hip Strip to forge a community space blending their love of music, art, and writing with their backgrounds in technology/science. Joe has since retired, and Jay has continued creatively enabling through Wave & Circuit.

Wave and Circuit currently is exploring the many uses of sonic arts, including creative use of multi channel audio to define and explore our sense of space and place. W&C hosts two channel listening room gatherings for local album release parties, supplies audio-visual needs for gatherings and events, and works closely with local artists and non-profits to consult on the roles of audio, video and technology.


Missoula Community Radio creates a medium for all community members to enrich and engage their community directly and freely by producing educational, socially just, culturally aware, and entertaining radio programming.

Among our desired outcomes are the enrichment of civic and cultural life for all community members, strengthened bonds between disparate community groups, and the formation of new ties within our shared home. We believe that community radio has a transformative influence on both the broadcaster and the listener. By making this technology accessible to everyone, we can empower Missoulians to create radio content that is representative of the diverse population and perspectives of our beautiful city. Freely sharing and discussing our opinions, ideas stories, traditions, and knowledge are critically important steps in preserving and protecting our unique cultural heritage and perspectives for generations to come.

Missoula Community Radio is committed to advancing issues that allow our community to flourish. As a 501(c)(3)-designated non-profit organization, and operating with staff volunteers who are equally committed to this aim, this station is positioned to fulfill a cornerstone role in promoting the vital cultural and civic energy of Missoula.

 Community Partners