First Annual Missoula Spring Iron Pour

MAY 22 & 23

 Pour your own Art in front of local students!

  • Mold making facility provided

  • Chemistry provided (Novaset or Silibind)

  • $500 stipend for selected educators

  • Limited housing provided

  • Exhibit Iron Art

Local arts non-profit Spark is sponsoring a demonstrative iron pour for the entire 7th grade of Missoula, Montana. Students will sit and observe a narrated iron pour while visiting artists create original works for their portfolios. The organization hopes this will continue as an annual tradition and develop relationships with working artists, and our community, that sustain.

Traveling Artists looking to participate will receive a 100$/day stipend and housing for the duration of their stay. We hope the lure of pouring your own work will add to the incentive. You will also be encouraged to bring a pedestal scale work, involving iron, to exhibit to the students in a small gallery on site.

Mold Making: May 15 - 21 (artists required to be on site by 19th)

Pour dates: May 22 & 23

Rain dates: May 25 & 26

We will be pouring at FreeCycles Community Bike Shop amongst the bicycle forest of hundreds of scrap bikes. This is a great opportunity to showcase your unique medium and unique self in a unique setting to a community with a prominent industrial history, but very limited exposure to industrial arts for creative expression.

For more information please send a short letter of interest to: